Community outreach is community outreaching! We’ve been busy the past few months, redistributing food, sparking new local connections, meeting with and learning more about our community partners, and getting involved with happenings around Durham.
We donated oranges and bananas to the Bike Durham Member Day in May ride on May 6th. Over 100 folks joined the ride which means robust community engagement around safe, affordable, and sustainable transportation in Durham. We look forward to working more with Bike Durham in the future!
We also sponsored the Beaver Queen Pageant. We were happy to learn that the pageant saw another record-breaking year, building up more resources and community support for clean water, downtown green spaces, native wildlife, and land preservation. Learn more about the Ellerbe Creek Watershed Association HERE.
Our Community Outreach Coordinator, Raafe Purnsley, had the opportunity to speak at the NCG Marketing Matters conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota on May 18th, 2023. Raafe shared about community partnerships, relationship building, donation operations, and all about our beloved Durham. You can watch a video of Raafe’s presentation HERE.
Last month was equally full.
June 10th marked Durham’s first Art Parade, hosted by Art Ain’t Innocent (AAI), which we were able to provide with water and snacks!
AAI is a multi-racial, cross-cultural, cross-class Southern arts visioning collective celebrating the artist community, acknowledging artists’ labor, and working to make art more accessible throughout Durham. AAI supports the artist community by fostering collective learning, upholding justice, and sharing resources. Get involved!
We sponsored this year’s Me & My Dad event for the NC Fatherhood Conference, an organization connecting NC father figures, practitioners, and community advocates with resources for successful parenting and role modeling.
The Co-op exists to serve and support Durham, not just generate profits. Through community outreach, we create opportunities for our community to connect with good things happening in Durham. The support from our owners, shoppers, and friends help us share resources with our neighbors!
If you are interested in becoming a Co-op community partner, you can contact our Community Outreach Coordinator, Raafe Purnsley, HERE.