Deli & Meat Department Remodels

We are preparing for changes to our Meat Department and our Deli! After the remodel, hot food will be back in a format better fit to serve the community in the future.

We will be moving and expanding our Meat Department, adding live service counters, expanding our product selection, and widening our price options. We will expand our vegan and vegetarian options as well.

We think these changes will enable us to serve customers with a wider variety of needs and financial resources. We are looking forward to continuing to provide our community access to high-quality, nourishing food through this new set of meat and prepared food offerings.

Construction will not begin until after Thanksgiving. We expect the project to last 3-4 weeks. We will close the store for the first two days of construction, November 30th and December 1st. After that, the store will be open. Throughout the construction, we will have safety measures in place to protect staff, construction workers, shoppers, and food products against exposure. We will keep you all updated with more concrete details.