Wednesday, March 28 at 6:30 PM – 8 PM
Our second screening in the series will feature the short film, “The Quality of Life Project.” This short created by Kara Keeling and Liz Sprague Holt, focuses on the West End Neighborhood and the Southwest Central Durham Community’s effort to secure affordable housing and stability in the area. This film from 2005, outlines how a community can work with local business partners to make major change happen. We will use this film as a conversation starter for our panel of experts from Self Help, Habitat for Humanity and DCLT along with community members Mayme Webb-Bledsoe and Alisa Johnson. We’ll learn about how the initiative began back in 2005 and how this work will continue today. This panel will be moderated by expert moderator Frank Stasio.
The first of its kind for the co-op, our film series will lend a voice to local sustainable food systems, community connectedness, fair trade organizations and issues directly affecting our community, our state and the world! Join us each month in the cafe from February – April for a new film and discussion. Free and all welcome!
Please join us for a thought provoking and inspiring evening!